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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [なくそう]

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I lost my travelers checks.
Tom lost his cap, and he felt that he had to buy a new one.
When Tom lost his wallet, he was out of luck.
How can we abolish war?
How can we abolish war?
I lost the door key, so I can't enter the house.
The old man lost the will to live.
The old man lost his will to live.
The teacher wants to do away with cheating on tests in school.
The little boy has lost the money given to him by his father.
To get the nation's economy out of the red, more foreign aid had to be pumped in.
Sally lost the contact lenses she had bought the day before.
This is the same camera that he lost.
This is the same pencil that I lost the other day.
This is the same necklace that I lost yesterday.
This is the same purse that I lost a week ago.
This is the same type of camera as the one I lost.
This is the same dictionary as I lost.
This is the same watch as I have lost.
This is same type of camera as the one I lost.

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