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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [なくそう]

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I lost my key.
Have you found the umbrella which you said you had lost the other day?
Did you find the umbrella you said you'd lost the other day?
I've lost my bag.
You say that you're afraid of being disliked by other people, but you have some people that you dislike yourself, don't you? Arithmetically speaking, there are an equal number of people who you don't like that don't like you back. I'm not saying that if you end your dislike of someone, someone else will stop disliking you as well; it's just that you can't change the fact that if you dislike someone, then someone else dislikes you as well. Your life will go much smoother if you just give up and accept that truth.
I bought a watch and I lost it the next day.
Is that the man whose wife was killed in the car accident?
I lost my hat on the bus.
The pen I lost yesterday was new.
She lost her money, her family, her friends.
I've lost my umbrella.
I accidentally lost my umbrella.
Tom tends to lose things.
Tom lost his appetite due to the heat wave.
I lost my camera.
I found my lost wallet.

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