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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [9]

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You've already drunk mummy's milk. Don't cry, please go sleepy-sleep.
He caught the nine o'clock shuttle to New York.
Dammit, she completely ignored me.
The history class starts at nine.
No visitor can remain in the hospital after 9 p.m.
Could you remind me to call my academic advisor at 9:00 p.m. tomorrow?
We are to meet together at 9 o'clock tomorrow night.
Call me at nine tomorrow morning.
I'll see you at nine tomorrow morning.
I gave her my word I would be back home by nine.
Father comes home from work about nine in the evening.
My father came home at nine.
The airplane arrived at 9:03 to the minute.
She usually goes to bed at nine.
She has cute dimples when she smiles.
Her adorable dimples appear when she laughs.
She promised her mother to come home before nine without fail.
She works from nine.
Her mother is arriving by the 9:10 train.
His answer to her being late was to fire her.

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