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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [いかれる]

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It was by no means unanimous but your proposal was selected.
All is well.
Everything is all right.
Everything is in good order.
Everything went smoothly.
Everything goes well.
I will see that all goes well.
Who knows but everything will go well?
Perhaps I should take an umbrella with me just in case.
Don't stay up late every night.
Don't put the cart before the horse.
We can't really throw it away!
Don't lend a borrowed book to another.
Don't judge a book by its cover.
A sheep dog drives the flock to the pasture.
I must manage on a small income.
I have to prepare for the test in English.
I cannot silently overlook this problem.
I went there times without number.
I went there many times.

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