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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [ゆけなかった]

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You see I've resolved to follow you wherever you go.
With a pitter-patter of footsteps she runs off to the entrance.
Keiko deftly piles up the cutlery and takes them to the sink.
Keiko deftly piles up the dishes and takes them to the sink.
Wood is a disappearing resource in much of Africa, and these stoves burn far less wood than the stoves currently in much use.
She did not succeed, but after all that was her first attempt.
She had no dress to attend the party in.
They abandoned the sinking ship.
He said that everything would turn out well.
He doesn't get along with anybody in the office.
There will be an answer.
If it were not for the sun, we could not live at all.
If there was no sun, we would not be able to live.
Many astronomers assume that the universe expands infinitely.
I have to study hard to keep up with the other students.
Sadako watched the sun lowering in the west and became blind.
Man modifies to his needs what nature produces.
We had to gear our lives to the new circumstances.
Where the drink goes in, there the wit goes out.
Time goes by quickly.

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