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All things considered, and it's just my opinion but, I think that the value of a present changes depending on how much thought is put into it.
To change the subject.
I exchanged seats with her.
I am surprised that she should have changed so much.
Not to harp on the same string, I still insist that those who drink should never drive.
When we deal with people, it would be wise to try to separate the sheep from the goats without letting them know it.
She was even more surprised when she heard Miss Baker say, "Excuse me, but may I change places with you?"
The receptionist changed her tune.
I am writing on behalf of my husband, who is in the hospital.
Because my husband has been admitted to hospital, I am writing on his behalf.
I'll do everything for you, so you have only to wait here.
Because of the problem of air pollution, the bicycle may some day replace the automobile.
The office has been topsy-turvy since the merger upset everything.
The rain changed into snow.
Jack once gave a helping hand to Robert, who was in trouble; and now Robert, in turn, is of great help to Jack.
Jim wrote the letter for Betty.

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