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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [ひきました]

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The old man was run over by a car.
She played the piano as promised.
She plays the piano every day.
I'll be off duty at noon on Saturday.
I was attracted to the girl.
I have a head cold.
I caught a head cold.
She was run over by the car.
She was run over by a car.
She was hit by a car.
She came very near being run over by a motorcar.
She came very near to being run over by a car.
She was almost hit by a car.
She will be able to play the piano well.
She played the piano beautifully.
She is good at playing the piano.
She took her seat at the piano and began to play.
She plays the violin well.
She plays the piano very well.
Her attention was engaged by the book.

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