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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [扱えない]

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You can't kick me around any more.
He treated it with utmost care.
The manager deals with many problems.
Be careful handling matches!
Mr Brown is a wool merchant.
Mr. Brown is a wool merchant.
Forks and chopsticks became popular because they could easily handle hot food.
Nancy is a hard girl for me to deal with.
Don't trifle with such serious matters.
Don't trifle with the matter.
We should do justice to both sides on that issue.
You may borrow this book as long as you keep it clean.
At that shop they deal in kitchen utensils.
You should treat the girl kindly.
I wish I had treated the girl more kindly.
The girl treated her horse kindly.
That aircraft company deals in freight only.
Let's talk about what to do with the stranger.
That company deals mainly in imported goods.
The trunk was too heavy for him to manage.

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