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Among the Internet sites that publish information on education related businesses are those given below.
In dog ethology the leader is called 'alpha'; after that it continues with 'beta' and 'gamma'.
I'm teaching basic participial constructions now, but, with regard to those below, what different ways of translating them would everybody use?
Together, the developers may amend this constitution, provided they agree with a 3:1 majority.
The reasons are as follows.
When we take the wind-chill factor into account, the temperature must have been lower than thirty degrees below zero centigrade.
He is still on the right side of forty.
He can't be under thirty.
His work is below average.
The differing volumes of carbon emissions are plotted in the graph below.
Men of the rank of captain and below live in this building.
In most countries, people under the age of 18 are considered minors - they cannot vote.
My temperature was below thirty-seven degrees this morning.
I need the following items.
The temperature fell below zero last night.
It was below zero this morning, but I cycled to school.
The thermometer stood at three degrees below zero this morning.
The result fell short of his expectation.
Your summary is not up to par.
Your work is below average.

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