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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [囲まれて]

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With so many people around he naturally became a bit nervous.
The family is sitting in a happy circle around the dining table.
The old man sat surrounded by the children.
An old man sat surrounded by his grandchildren.
She sat surround by her grandchildren.
She sat surrounded by her children.
She was always surrounded by high-quality goods.
Her house is enclosed with a white fence.
Her house is surrounded by a white fence.
He was surrounded by a crowd of pressmen.
He sat surrounded by his grandchildren.
He was sitting surrounded by the students.
He likes to be surrounded by youth.
He likes being surrounded by young people.
He sat surrounded by young girls.
He sat surrounded by his children.
He sat there surrounded by his children.
He sat surrounded by his children.
He sat surrounded by his family.
His house stands by a lot of tall buildings.

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