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The precious results of democracy are the apple of the people's eye and the people will fight to maintain these ideals.
In an affluent society most people have a high standard of living.
They keep up their spirits by doing aerobics.
He maintained a steady speed on the highway.
Especially over the last 20 years, the purported link between progressive welfare policies and economic failure in the Northern European countries seems to point to the difficulty of sustaining both full social welfare and international competitivity.
You must eat properly to keep up your strength.
Peace-keeping troops moved in to restore calm after the battle.
What do you think we must do in order to maintain the peace of the world?
Even good friends should make an effort to keep up their friendship.
Women use talking to maintain personal relationships.
All social animals use some methods of communication to exchange information and to maintain an orderly community.
Running a car is a great expense.
We should make every effort to maintain world peace.
We should keep up friendly relations with neighboring countries.
I keep fit by jogging every morning.
I was not going to keep up the family tradition.
We must keep law and order.
We must keep up the family traditions.
Walking is the best way to stay healthy.
The police are responsible for the maintenance of law and order.

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