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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [一般]

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Generally speaking, the climate of Japan is mild.
Generally speaking, women live longer than men.
Generally speaking, children like to play outdoors.
Generally speaking, high school students study harder than college students.
The people in this town, generally speaking, are kind to visitors.
Generally speaking, there is little rain here in June.
Generally speaking, orchestra conductors wear tailcoats at concerts.
Generally, Japanese people are shy.
Generally speaking, a waiter in Japan gives good service.
Generally speaking, New Zealanders are taller than Japanese.
Generally speaking, Japanese women are modest.
Generally speaking, the climate of Japan is mild.
Generally speaking, the climate of Japan is mild.
Generally speaking, men are taller than women.
Generally speaking, women live longer than men.
Generally speaking, a woman will live longer than a man.
Generally speaking, Westerners don't eat fish raw.
Generally speaking, little girls are fond of dolls.
Generally speaking, women live longer than men.
Generally speaking, women live longer than men by almost ten years.

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