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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [吐く]

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Let's have a contest. The side to come up with the worst insult wins.
He threw up just as much as he had drunk.
My behavior put him out of humor.
She'd spent half the night with her head down the toilet throwing up.
She wears high heels to make herself look taller.
The bus ride made her feel so sick that she began to vomit.
I've never seen him in jeans.
He had jeans on.
I can't put up with the way he spits.
He tried to play two roles at the same time and failed.
I threw up my food.
A word, once out, flies everywhere.
Take a deep breath in and out, please.
A gentleman would not spit on the street.
The drunken man grasped my collar and swore at me.
Sometimes I will be weak.
I got airsick and felt like throwing up.
I feel very sick. I want to throw up.
In my estimation, he is an honest man.
When you breathe out in cold weather, you can see your breath.

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