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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [そのこと]

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I know nothing about it.
I have heard of it before.
I am in no position to do anything about it.
I feel at ease about it.
I couldn't get rid of my doubt about it.
I am not concerned with the matter.
I am feeling sad about it.
I talked with him about it over the telephone.
I was deeply moved by that.
I feel guilty about it.
I think that you do know about that.
I have no friend with whom to talk about it.
We cheerfully discussed the matter over a drink.
We clashed on that matter.
I'm sorry I don't agree with you on that matter.
Not until yesterday did I know about it.
It was not until yesterday that I noticed it.
Let's not discuss the matter today.
Take your time. I know you need a couple of days to reflect on it.
Whatever happens, I'll not tell anybody about it.

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