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I went out although it was raining.
I went out even though it was raining.
I could not come because of the heavy rain.
I was just going out, when it began to rain.
My guess is that it will rain soon.
We have a lot of rain in June.
For my part I hope it won't rain.
We were all tired, and to make matters worse, it started to rain.
We were going along in the rain.
We couldn't go out because of the rain.
We'll start as soon as it stops raining.
We didn't eat out this evening only because it was raining hard.
We were very tired, and to make matters worse, it began to rain.
We have a lot of rain in June.
Our picnic was altogether spoiled by the rain.
The day when we first met was a rainy day.
Scarcely had we started out before the sky became overcast and down came the rain again.
Hardly had we started when it began to rain.
We had hardly started when it began to rain.
Hardly had we come home when it began to rain.

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