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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [運ばせる]

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We got him to carry our bag.
I often visited his house.
I had him carry my luggage to the platform.
I had him carry the baggage to your office.
I'll get him to carry my suitcase upstairs.
I made him carry the suitcase.
I had him take my suitcase to the room.
I had him carry the baggage to your office.
I helped him to carry his baggage upstairs.
I helped him carry his luggage upstairs.
I helped him carry his desk.
I had the porter carry my suitcase.
I prefer walking to being carried in a vehicle.
I had the boy carry my bag.
I carried one bag, but the other one was left behind.
I had the porter take my suitcases to my room.
I had my suitcase carried to my room by a bellboy.
I helped carry those bags.
I carried the heavy bag on my back.
I got the young man to carry the baggage for me.

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