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"Mr Chairman, what needs moving next, again?" "Scoreboard, giant ball and the tug-of-war rope."
Mr Pryor collapsed with a subarachnoid haemorrhage when rehearsing for a performance in Paris. He was taken to local hospital but passed away at 4:23 pm.
It was I who found her. She'd lost consciousness so I carried her to the infirmary.
In the latest report, it is written that 90% of all the cocaine smuggled in the world is transported by sea, and most of that by speedboat.
Keiko deftly piles up the cutlery and takes them to the sink.
Keiko deftly piles up the dishes and takes them to the sink.
The lunch she brought to me was as delicious as rumoured.
The lunch she brought to me was as delicious as I'd heard people say it would be.
The opera was graced with the august presence of the Crown Prince and Princess.
Tea is like the lubricating oil of work to allow it to proceed smoothly.
I keep a good supply of stamps to save trips to the post office.
You must be careful in choosing your friends.
The interview went off so well that he got the job.
The wind carries seeds for great distances.
The injured were removed from the scene.
Carry the injured to the hospital.
The wounded arrived by ambulance.
The sick person was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance.
Take her to surgery.
Carry her to the operating room.

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