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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [ひどく]

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In severe cases, cracks can form or it can snap apart.
Should he know the fact, he would be astonished.
When she awoke, she felt terribly cold.
Such an idea is abhorrent to her.
Her forehead burned with fever.
He must be very tired after a long walk.
He is much disliked.
He is hated.
His statement really cut me.
The criminal got very tired from the fight with the two officers.
The problems of air and water pollution will be intensified by the growth of inhabitants.
I have a bad pain in my back.
I feel terrible today.
It is terrible weather today.
The weather is terrible today.
It is terribly hot this morning.
My forehead burned with fever.
We had a rough crossing on an old ferry.
The family had a hard time after the war.
It's very cold.

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