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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [泳いだり]

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The water temperature's still low so you're not going to swim, are you?
Can you swim underwater?
Let's try and swim against the current.
Naked boys were swimming in the river.
Swimming at night is dangerous.
I can swim across the river.
I am able to swim across the river.
I can swim as well as you.
My father could swim well when he was young.
Father can swim, but Mother cannot.
It was mad of him to try to swim in the icy water.
She made it in a total of 19 hours and 55 minutes, which is shorter than the previous record by 10 hours.
She can swim further than I can.
She told me how to swim.
She taught me how to swim.
She watched the children swimming in the pool.
She swam across the wide river.
She grew up near the sea, yet she hates swimming.
She can't swim and neither can I.
She can't swim.

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