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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [どのように]

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How will they amuse the children on a wet afternoon?
The public is entitled to information about how public money is spent.
How were the bodies of those who died disposed of?
"How can a man be born when he is old?" Nicodemus asked.
How do you want them?
How can I get to the police station?
He explained how the accident came about.
How shall we deal with this problem?
How do you make your money?
How did you get to know her?
How did you get to know about her?
How did you get to know her?
How are you getting along?
How do you think I learned to speak English?
How did you come by an admission ticket for the auto show free of charge?
Can you tell me how I should get to Hyde Park?
How did it come about?
How did the car accident come about?
How do you happen to know Mr Slater?
How did you figure out this problem?

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