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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [どのように]

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How did you arrive at this conclusion?
How did you come here?
How can you tell an Englishman from an American?
How do you want your hair cut?
What would you like to be called?
How are you getting along with your study?
How did you embody your idea?
No one can understand how the accident happened.
How did you hit upon such an idea?
How did it come about?
I gained a clear picture of how it works.
How did the plane crash come about?
How is the discovery related to the progress of science?
When and how did the incident come about?
How did the accident come about?
I'll ask him how the accident happened.
There seems to be little agreement as to how to preserve the evidence in such cases.
How should I get there from the airport?
How would you like your steak?
How would you like your steak cooked?

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