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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [誤りを犯し]

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It is practically unthinkable that a scientist of his stature would have made such an elementary mistake.
He made a mistake through carelessness.
He made a few grammatical mistakes.
It is evident that he has made a mistake.
Frankly speaking, you made a mistake.
We are all liable to make mistakes.
I was led to the conclusion that we made a fatal mistake.
We make not a few mistakes when speaking in English.
You made the same mistake as last time.
We are liable to err.
It is stupid of you to make such a mistake.
It was my brother that made the mistake.
We believed that Jim had made a mistake.
You've made a good many mistakes.
At the risk of sticking my neck out, I think that if we do that, we're making a big, big mistake.
We all make mistakes.

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