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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [下げて]

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She walked with her head down like an old woman.
She bowed to me politely.
She was encumbered with two heavy suitcases.
As soon as she entered the room, I rose to my feet and made a deep bow.
They did not agree to bring down the price.
He bent his head low.
He came crawling to me to ask for a loan.
He had to reduce the price of his wares.
I don't want to bow down to him.
The Nikkei Stock Average lost nearly 200 points to close yesterday at 18,000.
I wouldn't lower myself to borrow money.
Mass production reduced the price of many goods.
Put your hands down!
Put your hand down.
Can you keep the noise down?
The government ordered that the price of soap be reduced by two pence.
The girl made an awkward bow.
A wise businessman knows how to clamp down on costs.
We hope to lower the tariff.

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