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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [いられぬ]

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I cannot help but be concerned about the commercialism of Hollywood movies.
I could not but suspect that there was something behind it.
I could not but cheer when my friend was handed the trophy.
I could hardly keep from laughing.
He could not but cry, when he heard about his mother's death.
I can't help laughing at her.
I cannot but feel sorry for him.
I cannot help falling in love with her.
She could not but worry about her daughter.
She kept walking about the room. She seemed too uneasy to sit still.
She could not help worrying about her son.
I cannot help loving her in spite of her many faults.
She could not help bursting into tears.
She could hardly keep from laughing when she saw the dress.
I cannot help laughing at her joke.
I cannot help laughing at her jokes.
We couldn't help feeling sorry for her.
Try to stay on her good side and you'll be on easy street.
I could hardly keep from liking him.
To look at him, you couldn't help laughing.

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