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I don't like to send postcards when I'm on a trip.
You ought not to act selfishly.
You shouldn't act selfishly.
The next day at the newspaper office he drew a bun which contained a dachshund inside - not a dachshund sausage, but a dachshund.
I'm afraid it's not a good idea.
Though he is wealthy he is not happy.
He is not a friend, but an acquaintance.
You cannot be too careful in choosing your friends.
It is not enough to read great books once only, however carefully.
It wasn't very discreet of you to forget the appointment.
Don't you like baseball?
I don't like baseball at all.
You ought not to call at this time of night.
The point at issue is not her ability but her character.
It is not what you read but how you read that matters.
It is not her ability, but her character that is at issue.
It's not his ability, but his character that is at issue.
The end does not always justify the means.
He cannot speak well that cannot hold his tongue.
I am afraid of having trouble.

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