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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [家具]

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It is sad to have to part with my mother's old furniture.
All the furniture in the room was all worn out.
There is no furniture left in the room.
The room was bare of furniture.
There were four pieces of furniture in the room.
There was little furniture in the room.
There is much furniture in the room.
There's a lot of furniture in the room.
There isn't much furniture in my room.
She dusts the furniture every day.
She furnished the room with beautiful furniture.
She has some beautiful antique furniture.
She has let her house furnished.
I assisted her in moving the furniture.
They bought a few pieces of furniture when they got married.
Their furniture is more aesthetic than practical.
Their furniture was chosen for utility rather than style.
He made a bargain with them about the furniture.
He deals in furniture.
He bought a piece of furniture at the store.

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