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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [責任を負わなければ]

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Parents are responsible for their children's education.
He blamed the accident on me.
He had to answer for the consequences of the project.
You are accountable to me for his actions.
His uncle will undertake the responsibility for him.
I undertook responsibility for him.
He assumed full responsibility for it.
Central Bank is a bank that deals mainly with other banks and the government and assumes broad responsibilities in the interests of the national economy apart from the earning of profits.
I am to blame for my son's failure.
A captain is in charge of his ship and its crew.
Every sane man is accountable to his conscience for his behavior.
You will have to be responsible for what you've done.
I can't answer for his dishonesty.
I am left with all the responsibility.
I will answer for the result.
I'll take the responsibility on my shoulders.
That's your funeral.
I am accountable to him for the loss.
The Secret Service has to answer for the safety of the president.
I will accept full responsibility for this.

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