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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [過ごしたい]

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They had a lovely time together.
They are having a really good time.
He likes to spend some time in solitude every day.
He had a good time talking with her.
He resigned himself to spending a boring evening.
He idles away the time.
He had to master a lot of new information and spend some of his own time in different parts of the country.
He had to spend many barren days.
He returned to his native village, where he spent the last few years of his life.
Many nights did he spend, looking up at the stars.
He was a brave warrior who had spent most of his life fighting his enemies.
He drifted aimlessly through life.
He carried a joke too far.
He asked me to keep him company on the weekends.
He returned to his native village, where he spent the last few years of his life.
He wasted his time on gambling at the horse races.
He lives comfortably.
He had to go without food for days.
He idled away a whole day.
Not a day passed by but he regretted what he had done.

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