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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [解き]

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This problem is an equality of k so we first solve the assigned equation for k.
Sleeping on a problem solves it as easily as pouring oil on troubled waters.
To tell the truth, I didn't solve this question.
I spent two hours solving the problem.
She could solve the problem with ease.
She combed her hair and bound it with a ribbon.
She solved the puzzle with ease.
She was able to solve the problem in ten minutes.
Both he and I were able to solve the math problem.
To his great joy, he succeeded in solving the problem.
He solved the problem with great ease.
He is good at solving complicated mathematical problems.
He likes to work out the difficult questions.
He was relieved of his heavy responsibility.
He was dispensed from all responsibilities of the president.
He tried solving the problem.
Clever as he is, he still cannot solve this math problem.
He found no difficulty in solving the problem.
He returned to the country whence he came.
He solved the problem with ease.

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