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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [解ける]

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My shoelaces came undone.
Sleeping on a problem solves it as easily as pouring oil on troubled waters.
If you heat ice, it melts.
Ice turns back into water when it melts.
He succeeded in solving the question.
His wife's misunderstanding about him did not go away.
The snow has melted away.
The snow is melted.
When the snow melts it flows into the river.
The snow was melting and stuck to my skis.
Snow has begun to melt.
The snow has begun melting.
Every spring, the winter ice melts into the streams and rivers and lakes.
The spell was broken and the pig turned into a man.
When a solid melts, it becomes liquid.
I wonder if the sea level really will rise when the ice at the North Pole melts.
You could have solved this puzzle with a little more patience.
I finally penetrated the meaning of the riddle.
The problem defies solution.
It removes misunderstandings.

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