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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [壊されました]

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What if you make yourself ill? An unbalanced diet leads to all kinds of sicknesses.
Let's break stereotypes!
It'll do harm to you to sit up late every night.
She breaks something every time she cleans the room.
She couldn't make the admission that she had broken her father's watch.
She broke a vase by mistake.
She broke the window on purpose.
She has broken the toaster again.
They had their houses destroyed by a strong earthquake.
They will tear down the old building in two days.
They are breaking down the wall.
I watched them destroy the old building.
He ruined his health by working too hard.
He broke the flower vase on purpose.
He had his roof damaged.
He broke up the chair for firewood.
Heavy smoking impaired his health.
He crushed the box.
He broke the machine by using it incorrectly.
It is this window that he broke.

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