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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [見られます]

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In late summer and autumn one can see the leaves change colour.
When we are with a person we don't want to be seen with, we often meet someone we know.
We cannot necessarily see the star with the naked eye.
One minute earlier, and we could have seen the Queen.
Nobody was to be seen on the main street.
Michael was seen to leave by the side door.
Where can I see a football game?
You're not fit to be seen.
The Doppler effect is also observed with light and with radiant energy in general.
Television viewers see only what the camera shows.
TV is not watched here.
You can see the large exhibition at the department store anytime.
For example, they do not have to go to a stadium to see the World Series or the Super Bowl because they can enjoy watching the games in their own living rooms.
You will debase yourself by such behavior.
One of the reasons is the difference between Japan and other countries in their attitudes toward education.
The teacher is counted as the best dresser in our school.
The student became very nervous with the teacher watching him.
I am anxious to see what there is to be seen of the country.
The astronaut was seen to land on the moon.
The program should have started by now, so we'll probably miss the first half.

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