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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [日が暮れて]

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He attained the top of the mountain before dark.
He never goes out after dark.
He arrived there after dark.
Come home before dark.
It got dark and I was at loss what to do.
It got dark and I was at a loss what to do.
She seldom, if ever, goes out after dark.
Shinji goes for a walk after dark every day.
She seldom, if ever, goes out after dark.
I will not hear of you going out alone after dark.
Don't go out after dark.
She seldom, if ever, goes out after dark.
Our train reached Rome after dark.
We covered 100 kilometers in the car before it got dark.
By the time you got there, the sun had set.
The children played outside until dark.
My mother insists that I should not go out after dark.

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