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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [開かれます]

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I open the door.
The Buddha became enlightened under a Bo tree in Bodh Gaya.
Tom never speaks unless spoken to.
This is a folding fan, and this is how you open it. It's for hot summer days.
What time does the parking lot close?
At the end of the year in Japan, concerts of Beethoven's Ninth are held in various regions as if it's an annual event.
The shop is open all day.
Does anybody know if the cafeteria is still open?
In order to investigate the fact of 26 times of 3 minutes, how much trouble and labour cost did they use and to have the apology conference? Apologise for it again at a later day.
If you press this button, the door will open.
"The castle is open from today until the 30th of March. If you don't find the key before then, that day it ends and then the key will disappear and you won't be able to come here anymore."
1 (多く「…をもって」の形で格助詞のように用いて)
"Even still if you want to, feel free to. But, for that situation there is our point of view. The behaviour of the entrance opening when there is an unrelated person present, then from a security point of view, it shouldn't do that."
まね【真▽似】の意味 =
2 行動。ふるまい。「ばかな真似はよせ」

2 そうあってほしい。また、そうあるべきである。のぞましい。「柔軟な対応が―・い」「―・くない傾向」

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