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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [耐えれます]

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Bearing can be unbearable.
It is difficult for a theory to survive such a test.
Only dedicated girls can endure this task.
By reading books and discussing concepts, a person can gain wisdom and tolerance of differing ideas.
My mother has borne her sorrow admirably.
We could not bear to listen to the sick child's pathetic cries.
I couldn't bear to look at her.
She bore her misfortunes with a brave spirit.
She bore her grief with dry eyes.
Is she equal to a long journey?
Does she have enough energy to take a long trip?
Can she endure a long trip?
She endured to the bitter end.
She has suffered his ill treatment of her in silence for years.
She had to smile at her misfortune.
She bore her sorrow well.
She could not put up with the insults any more.
She is a glutton for punishment.
She could not put up with the insult.
She bore the pain bravely.

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