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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [掛ける]

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Fasten the gate.
Lock the gate.
It was cold at dawn, so I put on another blanket.
Hang your hat on the hook.
I hung my hat on the peg.
Hillary rested the ladder against the wall.
Please make sure that the door is locked.
It took her a long time to choose a hat.
She called me up very late last night.
She hung a little Picasso on the wall of the drawing room.
She is applying the glasses.
She wore glasses.
She curtained the windows.
He placed the ladder against the fence.
He was a little old man with thick glasses.
He always wears dark glasses.
He hung up his coat.
He zipped up his jacket.
He hung a picture on the wall.
He has a lot of difficulty seeing without his glasses.

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