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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [適う]

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Everyone would like to believe that dreams can come true.
"Let's head back." "Shall we drop by McDonald's?"
I think you fall well within 'cute girl'. You'd easily go and pass in his judgement.
What if he fails?
When it comes to cooking, you cannot beat Mary.
In cooking we cannot hold a candle to the Chinese.
When it comes to cooking, no one can equal Mary.
I am no match for her in cooking.
Dreams come true.
May all my dreams come true.
May all your dreams come true.
I realized that I couldn't beat him in math.
My mother anticipates all my desires.
I meet her demands.
Her dream has come true at last.
I cannot match her in enthusiasm.
He was no match for a lawyer.
He did his best but soon saw that he could not compete with such a fast runner.
He finally got his wish.
We could not resist the force of his logic.

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