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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [寒い]

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In such thin clothes, are you warm enough?
Are you warm enough in such thin clothes?
It was a cold and rainy night, and there was not a soul in sight in the streets.
The night was so chilly that when I returned I was almost frozen.
The night was so cold.
Inside the tent that night she shivered with cold.
How cold it was in the room!
It was very cold that evening.
They say that since it was bitterly cold in Northern Europe that winter, many people were frozen to death.
It was cold that day, and moreover it began to rain.
It was chilly that day.
It is cold there even in summer.
It's cold there even in the summer.
I know the weather there is very cold.
Late autumn in Scotland is rather cold.
It's freezing.
It's very cold.
It's freezing in this room, Cindy. I can't put up with this cold.
A damp, cold day affects a person's health.
Cold, damp days are bad for your health.

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