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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [寒い]

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This is the coldest weather in ten years.
It's foolish for you to swim when it's this cold.
You'd better not go out in this cold weather.
There is no going out on such a cold day.
I would rather stay at home than go out on such a cold day.
I don't like to go out without a coat on such a cold day.
These clothes are not appropriate for a cold winter day.
It's freezing in this room, Cindy. I can't put up with this cold.
It's froze hard last night.
We have had a very hard winter.
It is likely to be cold this winter.
In this winter, it seems that it gets very cold.
This was the coldest winter in twenty years.
I hear this is the coldest winter we have had in the past ten years.
I can't put up with this cold.
The cold was the worst in fifty years.
I can't stand this cold.
I can no longer stand the cold.
How long will this cold weather go on?
I wonder how long this cold weather will last.

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