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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [間に合った]

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Did you catch the train?!
"Hey, when do the dorms lock up?" "9 o'clock" "Whoops, if we don't run we won't make it!"
Despite having lazed around without having touched my work I'm frightened at heart that "Ooh-er, this time I might really not get done in time!?"
We have ample time to catch our train.
Even though the train was late, we made it in time.
I took a taxi so that I would be in time for the appointment.
This will do for the time being.
I was just in time for the last train.
I was just in time for the last train.
I managed to get there in time.
I ran as fast as possible, but I was not in time for the last train.
We were only just in time for the last train.
I'll be back in time for my mother's birthday.
I left home later than usual, but fortunately I was in time for the train.
Can she come in time?
She was in time for the bus.
She didn't run fast enough to catch the bus.
She has got there just in time.
They left early to catch the first train.
They were just in time.

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