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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [間違えない]

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You can't go wrong if you read the instructions carefully.
I'm afraid you've taken the wrong seat.
People often take me for my brother.
I'm afraid I have taken a wrong train.
I got on the wrong line.
I got on the wrong train.
I got on the wrong bus.
I took you for Roy when I first saw you.
I mistook you for your sister when I first saw you.
I beg to point out that your calculation is wrong.
At times I confuse "curve" with "carve".
I am often confused with my brother.
I mistook her for Minako. They look so much alike.
I took her for her sister. They look so much alike.
I mistook her for her sister. They look so much alike.
I mistook her for Ann's sister.
I took him for my close friend.
I took him for Mr Brown.
I mistook him for Mr. Brown.
I must have the wrong number.

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