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Why are you looking so sad?
Tom's face lighted up with joy.
Have you ever washed your face with body soap?
I couldn't see Tom's face.
Tom looked as if he was about to burst out crying at any time.
He could not see well in the dark, but from the sound of her voice he could tell that the girl was on the verge of tears.
When she saw Ozawa's face, she became red up to the base of her ears.
You have "lies" written all over your face.
He was red with anger.
Your face is red.
The sun appeared on the horizon.
The moon came out from behind the clouds.
Do you know what time it is in Boston?
What’s that face? Are you mucking around?
There was a girl who looked like she was about to cry.
Don’t look down, always keep your head up.
The thin face of what was once a boy, was marked with tired wrinkles and thin recesses. But furthermore it was proof of always confronting the real society.
1 過去のある一時期を表す語。以前。昔。「―京都にいたころ」「―の名選手」
Contrary to her tone, Kanou Mai's face was calm. If this level of things angers her every time then she could not possibly get along with Shoko. When she understands there is no fault from her side, she can be tolerant about things.
3 相反していること。また、そのさま。逆さま。反対。あべこべ。「気持ちと裏腹な言葉」
The moment she was caught, she fell face first with a smack onto the emerald coloured floor.
4 何かをしたその拍子。その途端。「滑った―に足首をひねる」

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