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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [顔]

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I cut myself while shaving.
Fatigue showed on her face.
I wear a sad look.
Her harsh manner of speaking doesn't suit her pretty face.
Trying to tempt her, I gazed into her face.
She buried her face in her hands.
She looks as if she had seen a ghost.
In about 20 minutes she made up her face.
Her face lit up.
She looks sleepy. She may have stayed up late last night.
She is wearing a long face.
She frowned him into silence.
Her stern look got him to quit talking.
If she was displeased, she never showed it.
She looked as if she had been sick in bed for years.
She looked sad.
She immediately blushes in his presence.
She couldn't look him in the face.
She began to cry at the sight of his face.
She looked him in the face.

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