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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [持っていかない]

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It was annoying, as the manager took his team to a near-miss in the tournament.
The travel agent suggested that we take some traveller's cheques with us.
Don't carry too much baggage when you travel.
Take anything you want.
You had better take your umbrella in case.
Perhaps I should take an umbrella with me just in case.
You don't need to carry lunch with you.
She takes dinner to his house every evening.
She took two pieces of baggage with her.
She didn't take much baggage with her.
She took my umbrella without so much as asking me.
He never travels without taking an alarm clock with him.
He carries his umbrella about with him every day.
He took adequate clothes for a weekend trip.
He took my umbrella without so much as asking.
He didn't take an umbrella with him.
He had the nerve to take my car without asking.
Take a map with you in case you get lost.
They carried a map with them in case they should lose their way.
We carried a map with us in case we should lose our way.

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