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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [取り付けた]

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They fixed the sign to the wall.
They developed a special computer system and fixed it to his wheelchair.
He hung the gate on hinges.
He fixed the bookshelf to the wall.
He was in the grip of poverty.
He fell a victim to a deadly disease.
The idea grew on him.
He held off paying for the television set until the dealer fixed it.
Winds haunt the village.
I have made an appointment with Mr Kennedy.
When we put magnets on the pigeon's heads, what was the reaction?
Ken's really got computers on the brain.
My brother is consumed with ambition.
We talked over Jack's plan to put in air conditioning, but could not come to a decision.
The maid announced each guest.
Ted's really got computers on the brain.
Keeton put magnets on the heads of his pigeons.
That religious cult has got some pretty off the wall ideas.
And so that morning too, she went down to the kitchen while bearing a loneliness that even by crying would not end. While thinking that when she becomes an adult she wants an explanation on, where this came from, and why it is possessing me.

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