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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [気が狂い]

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Grief drove her mad.
She went mad after the death of her son.
She went mad because of the shock.
News of her son's death in battle drove her mad.
Losing his wife drove him to steal.
He has gone mad.
He went crazy.
He is either drunk or mad.
He behaved as if he were crazy.
He went mad because of the shock.
His mother went mad after the death of her son.
My brother almost drove me crazy.
He must be crazy to treat his parents like this.
We are all born mad.
I'm out of my mind.
We've got to break out tonight or I'll go crazy!
Unless you turn the radio off, I will go mad.
Hamlet acts as if he were insane.
Tom worked like a madman.
The poet went mad in the end.

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