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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [気取った]

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Well you're always putting on a show, and you're always on guard.
"Now that I think of it, where's Tanimoto?" "Playing the lone wolf, as always."
You mustn't let the other person notice that you flinched.
She used to give herself airs.
She has nothing snobbish about her.
She's always putting on airs.
She's always putting on airs, acting as if she were a queen.
She's always putting on airs, acting as if she were Queen.
They pretend to be man and wife.
He put on airs in her presence.
He fancies himself as an artist.
He said that with an affected air.
His affected manner of speaking seemed very absurd to me.
I don't like girls who put on airs.
You don't have to give yourself such airs.
Look at her putting on airs over there.

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