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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [飢えて]

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He has a hunger for kindness after fame.
He furnished food to the hungry.
He felt hungry for affection.
I know how piggy feels, He starves without missing a meal.
A lot of people are starving in the world.
The children were hungry for affection.
Sharks are infamous for their blood thirsty natures.
Sharks are notorious for having a thirst for blood.
It is sad that so few people give money to help the hungry.
To provide food for the hungry.
I gasped with surprise at the horrible picture of the starving people.
We cannot stand quiet and watch people starve.
I'd been on my own all week and was starving for conversation.
He didn't like to ask for help even if he was starving.
The boy has a hunger for adventure.
At that time, the whole world was hungry.
People in these areas are growing hungrier each year.
A lot of people in Africa go hungry.
My heart aches for those starving children.
I'm a starved spider.

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