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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [休む]

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He is often absent from school.
He often absents himself from school.
He often doesn't come to school.
He turned down her request for a day off.
He stayed away from school for a week.
He was absent from school for a week.
He often absents himself from meetings.
He has been on sick leave for a month now.
I wonder why he was absent.
How long has he been absent?
He rested for a while.
He is often absent from school.
He would often work for hours without stopping.
He came down with a cold and had to be away from work.
I advised him to take a rest.
He was absent from school today, as is often the case with him.
I don't know the reason he is absent today.
Now that he is absent, I will have to work in his place.
The reason he was absent was that he had a severe headache.
His absence was due to illness.

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