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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [教えて]

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He told me how to play chess.
He enlightened me on how I should attack the subject.
He showed me the way to the store.
He acquainted me with the news.
He taught me how to spell the word.
He showed me how to make a cake.
He showed us how to ride a horse.
He is a British teacher who teaches us English.
He teaches us English.
He's a student who I'm teaching English to this year.
He is a student to whom I'm teaching English this year.
He teaches English grammar at a high school.
Did he tell you what to do?
He gave me his office telephone number and address.
He found that teaching was his calling.
What he was taught he mastered.
He mastered all he was taught.
He instructed students in history at school.
He instructed students in history at school.
Not only did he teach school, but he wrote novels.

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